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In 2011, Nature Complete introduced the UK's first pure powdered extract of Chlorella Pyrenoidosa – Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) capsules. This groundbreaking product, available in vegetarian capsules, is non-GMO, gluten-free, and additive-free. It is suitable for most people including children, vegans, and pregnant or nursing mothers.

Why Use Chlorella Growth Factor?

Chlorella provides a wide array of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, as well as being the highest-known source of chlorophyll, While these are all beneficial, the grealest value of chlorella lies in a fascinating ingredlent called Chlorella Growth Factor. 

Chlorella Growth Factor is a nucleolide-peptide complex derived fram a warm water extact af chlorella. It is made mostly of nucleic acid derivatives. Researchers have discovered that CGF is produced during the intense photosynthesis that..

Research On Chlorella Growth Factor

Experiments with mioroorganisms,animals and children haveshown that chlorelia Growih Eactor prornoteg faster than normagrowth without adverse side effecis,and In adults, it appaars toenhance RNAvDNA functions responsibie for production of proteins.enzymes and energy at the celiular level.

Dr, Benjamin Frank,author of The No-Aging Diet, suggests thathuman RNA/DNA prduction siws down progressively as people..

Why Use Chlorella Growth Factor?

As people age, cell processes siow down. The cell wall, which regulates fiuids, intake of nutrients and expulslon ofwasles, becomes less functional, Nutrient intake is less efficienl and more toxic wastes remain in the cels. This leadsto an increasing acidic condition in the body that favors many kinds of chronic and degeneralive diseases, When wehave a sufhcient intake of foods rich in DNA and RNA to protect our own cellular nucleic acids, the cell wall conlinues
to function eficientiy, keepig the cell clean and well nourished...

Research  On  Chlorella  Growth  Factor

Chlorella Growth Factor Product

Chlorella Growth Factor


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